This is where I make a bunch of hemming and hawwing noises, all the "Hrrrmmmm"s and the "weeelllll"s and such.
Let's start with the good parts:
The writing is good. It makes sense, it flows well, I understood it.
The characters continue from the first book. They don't change much, everything was pretty much as I'd expected. So...good.
But I got bored.
I know. That's awful. And yet, it is true. I just got tired of this story. I like Danny well enough but for someone so powerful, he isn't very interesting. I got horribly tired of girls trying to sex him up in order to impregnate themselves with his godly seed and him declining just in the nick of time. Hoo-ray, he is a shining example of a good boy. And since he's a god, he has great will power and can fend the ho's off when they come 'round. But do we have to keep hearing about it? We get it. He could get laid by pretty much anyone within in age range and probably plenty without but he is respectful of ho's. Sorry, women. He respects them even if they do not respect themselves in his presence. Now let's move on. And then the final lesson? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE SEX? YOU RUIN THE WHOLE DAMNED WORLD! Which, come on, a little heavy handed, don't you think? Yes, of course I like that Danny is different in that he's such an angelheart and his mistakes are rarely ever made out of self-serving reasons. I don't have a problem with that, I just have a problem with there being not much else to him. Supergood teenage boygod with hormones who can restrict impulses (obviously has superhuman strength), travel about via his gates, and goes to high school for the hell of it. Why doesn't have have some obsession, like collecting seashells? Learning to speak to dolphins (he's great at languages, after all)? Watching "Monster High"? (I don't think that's a show in his time period, actually) I dunno. He's like-able but boring, I guess, the bane to every nice guy's existence. It's ok, though, because everyone he knows is equally uninteresting. I think I mostly enjoyed Wad's story...and not his story, but the former-mistress/former-cave-dweller's story (I have no idea how her name is spelled and I simply can't be bothered to look it up...otherwise, I will lose my train of complaining and I'd run out of things to write) At least she had something to be passionate about. At least her trajectory was filled with strife and triumph and compromise.
I didn't see the point of this book except to learn that pretty much everyone but Danny is an asshole in some fashion and no one is to be trusted, ever. But I already knew that from living daily life. I don't even make gates and I figured that out.
There is another coming? I mean, if not, that's fine, but there are a few things left undone that I wanted to know about. Not a big deal, though. I'll survive without that knowledge and will probably have forgotten the questions by this time next month, so we're good. We're good.